The Jasper County Charter System has received federal stimulus funds under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act based on the district's proportionate share of Title I funding. Federal legislation requires school districts to set aside at least 20% of these funds to address student learning loss.
The remaining funds are flexible and can be used to support at-risk student populations, distance/remote learning, school meals, mental and physical health, supplemental learning and addressing learning loss, facilities and equipment, continuity of core staff and services, and more.
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III - LEA Application Highlights our district's plans for these funds and will be updated as need.
Return to School Plan '23-'24
JCCS County Charter System
Safe Return to School Plan
Revised July 14, 2023
The Jasper County Charter System will begin the 2023-2024 school year for students on August 10, 2023.
Faculty and Staff will report on August 2, 2023. Due to the low spread of COVID-19 in Jasper County, the
district will begin the school year on a regular instructional day schedule. The school system is working
diligently to maintain an infection-free environment for our stakeholders. Based on the guidance
communicated by the Center for Disease Control and the Georgia Department of Public Health, the following protocols will be implemented as we begin the new year.
SUMMER CLEANING OF FACILITIES: During the summer, our custodians are working in teams to deep
clean all facilities. Carpets and tile will be cleaned thoroughly in all schools. Sanitization will be a priority
throughout all school facilities. With the limited traffic in our buildings, buildings should be at very low risk for infection as we begin the school year. There is a plan to remove carpets from many of the areas at Jasper County Primary School and Washington Park Elementary School during the fiscal year.
SCHOOL YEAR CLEANING OF FACILITIES: The system is currently working on developing a cleaning
schedule during the school day and after hours. A schedule for routine cleaning and increased cleaning is currently being developed.
PHYSICAL DISTANCING AND MINIMIZING EXPOSURE: Schools will make the effort to promote physical
distancing in the classroom. Class sizes in KK-3 will remain at or below 21 students. Seating will be arranged, as feasible, to face in one direction at all times. In rare cases, classroom schedules may be revised to promote physical distancing. KK-8 Special classes such as art, PE, music, etc. may be subject to alternate schedules and classroom locations in order to limit exposure with alternate environments and promote physical distancing.
HYGIENE EDUCATION: All students shall participate in hygiene education during the first ten (10) days of
school. This includes but not limited to the following:
- Proper Handwashing Techniques
- Proper Use of Hand Sanitizer
- Use of Face Coverings
- Proper Covering of Coughs and Sneezes
- How to Maintain Personal Space
- Classroom Procedures to Prevent the Spread of Viruses
MAINTAINING HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTS: Face coverings for all employees and students will be available.
Plexiglass shields remain in use in main receptionist offices at all campuses and at the board office. Shared materials will be limited and cleaned between use whenever possible. Signage to promote a safe and healthy environment and good hygiene will be visible in all facilities. The system will provide hand sanitizer for Students and Staff. Handwashing will occur often, especially during key times during the school day. When handwashing with soap and water is not available, hand sanitizer will be available for Students and Staff. Pre-K students will be provided sanitary wipes instead of hand sanitizer due to Pre-K regulations. Water fountains (where feasible) have been replaced with water bottle refill stations. Students will be permitted to bring their personal water bottles for use during the day.
TRANSPORTATION (BUSES): Buses will be running routes to provide transportation services. It will be very difficult for physical distancing if buses are at full capacity. Drivers and students will not be required to wear facial coverings. Siblings will sit together on the bus. Buses will load from back to front and unload from front to back. Windows will be lowered on paved roads to increase ventilation on buses not equipped with air conditioning. School transportation personnel will be required to wipe down buses after each transport of students to and from school.
TRANSPORTATION (CAR RIDERS): Each school will develop, communicate, and implement a plan based on the configuration of the campus. Depending upon bell release schedule, car riders will not be permitted to early release from thirty (30) minutes from final bell.
MEALS: Each school shall develop plans to reduce the number of students in the lunchroom when needed for participation in meal service. JC Pre-K will implement breakfast and lunch in the classroom to minimize exposure in multiple settings. Plans may include staggered meal times and/or small classroom dining areas that promote social distancing. Students will be encouraged to participate in handwashing before and after meal service. Disposable trays and utensils will be utilized for each meal service. Tables and chairs will be wiped down with approved cleaning supplies after each transition of student groups through the cafeteria.
MONITORING FOR CLINICAL SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Staff and students will be encouraged to self-monitor for COVID like symptoms. If a student develops symptoms throughout the day, they MUST notify an adult immediately.
- Students or staff who test positive for COVID-19, either by home test or PCR test, will continue to follow Department of Public Health guidelines. It is recommended for the student or staff member producing a positive test to isolate at home for 5 days since symptoms first appeared and be fever-free, without use of fever-reducing medications, for 24 hours before returning to school. It is also recommended the student or staff member with a positive test return to school wearing a facial cover for a minimum of 5 days.
- If a student or employee is exposed inside the home, a determination will be made in the amount the person can isolate from the positive case before a determination can be made on whether or not the employee/student can return to school with a mask or isolate at home. In most cases, the period of isolation will be 5 days.
PROTOCOL FOR STUDENTS OR STAFF WITH SYMPTOMS (not tested and not linked to a positive case):
All facilities will designate an isolation area to separate anyone who exhibits COVID-19 like symptoms. When a student or staff member has COVID related symptoms, they will immediately be sent home and cannot return to school/work until symptom-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications. All symptomatic students will remain in the isolated area, given a mask, and will remain under the visual supervision of a staff member until the child’s parent or guardian arrives to take them home.
EXCEPTIONS: If a healthcare provider suspects COVID-19, students/staff should remain out of school/work and follow the DPH “Return to School and Child Care Guidance after COVID-19 Illness or Exposure.” Quarantining close contacts is NOT necessary; however, the system will continue to monitor students/staff for clinical signs and symptoms. If the person identifies exposure to a confirmed COVID case, the system will follow the DPH recommendations for a “Probable Case”.
VACCINATIONS JCCS encourages and recommends faculty and staff receive the Covid-19 vaccination. JCCS will continue to collaborate with the Jasper County Health Department, the local hospital and healthcare providers to provide access to vaccinations for faculty and staff members.
- The Jasper County Charter System is aware that all of our students and families have been impacted in someway by COVID-19 and is prepared to continue to support our students when they return to school.
- Resources are available to assist students with mental health needs. These resources range from direct support from our school counselors, social workers, psychologists and school nurses, as well as connecting your child with community resources.
- For the safety of our students, parents will not be able to walk their students to their classroom before school begins. Parents are encouraged to attend the Meet and Greet and/or New Student Orientation to meet the teacher and get familiar with the student’s classroom and school.
The District offers two options for students for the 2023-2024 school year.
Option 1 Students will return to campus following all health and safety protocols.
Option 2 Distance Learning will be offered through Jasper County Virtual Academy in grades 6-12. Edgenuity will be the learning platform utilized for learning in these grades. Elementary Schools (Grades 1-5) will utilize Google Classroom, along with the I-Ready digital learning program. Kindergarten will not offer a virtual option.
Parents who registered their student in Jasper Virtual must:
● commit to distance learning for the academic school year
● have internet access at home
● be available for instruction during normal school hours;
● log-in and participate in the class to be counted as present for the day;
● meet all normal academic and attendance requirements;
● take district and state mandated standardized tests in person; and
● be a resident of Jasper County and enrolled in the District. In addition, students enrolled in Jasper Virtual will have limited options for specials, connections, and electives. They will not participate in school activities or extracurricular activities.
What families can do to support students with instruction for both options:
● Communicate with teachers on a regular basis and let them know if your child is experiencing specific challenges.
● Visit the JCCS district website regularly for updates.
● Talk to your child routinely to make sure he/she understands work expectations.
● Talk to your child about how they are feeling.
● Be patient and accepting of how they are feeling during this stressful time.
● Maintain a daily routine around school and schoolwork.
● Conduct check-ins regarding academics by logging into the learning platform with their child and checking their
● Encourage your child to seek assistance for emotional or mental health by talking with a school counselor.
● Reach out to your child’s teacher with any changes that may impact your child’s success.
● Special Education Services: Students with disabilities, including those with underlying health conditions, will continue to receive services in person or virtually. An Individual Education Program (IEP) meeting may be held to determine the most appropriate services. The district is committed to providing free and appropriate educational opportunities for students with disabilities, to the greatest extent possible in alignment with public health guidelines. Collaboration with families has always been an integral part of the special education process and continues to be essential during this time.
IEP meetings: The JCCS is committed to providing families the opportunity for meaningful participation in the special education process. IEP teams will partner with families to determine the most appropriate format to conduct meetings.
● Individual Education Plan or 504 Plan accommodations in Jasper County Virtual Academy: All students attending Jasper Virtual will be provided their specified accommodations per their IEP or 504 plan. The IEP team will work collaboratively to determine appropriate accommodations.
● Related Services: Students in Jasper Virtual will receive their IEP related services (OT/PT/SLP) virtually.
● Medically Vulnerable Populations: School health staff will develop or review medical plans for medically vulnerable students in consultation with the family and the child’s doctor.
● ESOL/ELL: JCCS is committed to continuing to identify and serve English Language Learners. Whether in-person or an alternative format, ESOL strategies will continue to be implemented by instructional and support staff to address the academic and language needs of ELL students. In addition, ESOL teams will continue to partner with families and schools to provide resources and tools to ensure the academic success of ELL students.
Whether students attend on campus or in Jasper Virtual, we are committed to providing instruction that will allow students to reach their maximum potential.
● Schools may hold club meetings, athletic events, and activities for face-to-face learners