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Jasper County Charter System

Alternative Learning Code of Conduct




Our Mission

The mission of the Jasper County Charter School Alternative Learning Opportunity Program is to provide a supportive, compassionate, and safe environment that promotes self-confidence, self-motivation, and self-discipline while helping students who are working to transition back to their home school.

Our Goal

The goal of the Jasper County Charter School Alternative Learning Opportunity Program is to reduce the number of students returning to an alternative setting and to provide support to students who are self-motivated to become productive citizens in our society.

PBIS Motto

JCCS Alternative Learning Opportunity Students are RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL, and REMARKABLE. When exhibiting these traits, the Three R’s, students receive rewards. These rewards work as incentives to motivate JCCS ALO students to do their VERY BEST every single day!


         The following rules and guidelines have been established to allow all students and staff to constructively maximize the use of school time and provide all students an opportunity to learn in a positive, orderly environment. The violation of any rule will result in disciplinary consequences:

  1. All directives given to the students will be followed the first time they are given.
  2. There will be no heads down or sleeping during class.
  3. Restroom and water breaks are only permitted with the teacher’s permission. A student may not leave the physical classroom without the teacher’s consent.
  4. Students are strictly prohibited from any physical contact (such as horseplay, aggression, or display of affection) while on the Alternative setting campus.
  5. Students are expected to make seamless transitions throughout the day.
  6. While in class, the students must not disrupt the classroom environment.
    1. The following procedures will be followed:
      1. Students will be verbally redirected three times with breaks for compliance.
      2. Students will be asked to step out of the classroom for a conference with the teacher. Parents/Guardian will be notified.
      3. Alternative setting administrator will be called. Parents/Guardian will be notified.
    2. If behavior does not improve, then a reduced schedule will be put in place i.e. staggered schedule or every other day with virtual support provided.
  7. If a student breaks major rules (fighting, drugs, alcohol, nicotine, weapon, etc.) then the student will be automatically referred to Administration.
  8. If students are suspended off the bus, parents will need to provide transportation. If parent/guardian cannot provide transportation, then virtual schedule will be provided.



Attendance at school is important.  Students in the alternate setting are expected to follow the Jasper County Charter System Board of Education Attendance Policy.  All consequences for absences apply.  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete make-up work from an absence.  Any missed work not turned in will result in a zero. During a suspension, the teachers will share with the student a log of all missed activities and work and set a deadline for completion.


Book Bags

 Book bags are not allowed at the Alternative School.  If a book bag is brought to school, it will be taken up and not returned until the parent comes to pick it up.


JCCS Alternative Learning Opportunity Program

Daily Schedule

·         8:30 - 8:45…. Student Arrival

·         8:45 -9:15…. Breakfast/Restroom Break

·         9:20 -9:30…. Journal Writing /Reflection Time

                       9:35 – 10:30 Students will work independently on Edgenuity Assignments

            {Period 1}

·         10:35 – 10:55 Lunch

·         10:55 – 11:05 Restroom Break

·     11:10 – 12:30 Students will work independently on Edgenuity Assignments {Period 2}

·         12:35 -12:50 Restroom Break

·     12:55 – 1:20 Students will work independently on Edgenuity Assignments

 {Period 3}

·         1:20-1:25/1:30 Return Chromebooks, place folders in designated

Follow Dress Code of JCCS


Electronic Devices

Electronic devices such as phones, smart watches, air pods, MP3s, etc. should be turned in at check-in to a teacher or administrator during check-in at the beginning of the school day.  If they are not turned in and the student is caught with the device the following consequences will occur:

1st infraction: Phone/device taken away and given back at the end of the day.

2nd infraction: Phone/device taken and given back at the end of the following school day.

3rd infraction: Phone/device taken, and parent/guardian must come to the school and pick it up the following day.  The student will also receive a one-day suspension and will not be allowed to bring the phone/device back to school for the remainder of his/her scheduled time in the JCCS Alternate Setting.


Parental Involvement

Students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the community share responsibility for advancing the mission of JCCS.  Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers and staff members to discuss their student's academic progress and behavior. Weekly progress reports are provided for all students at the request of the student’s parent or guardian.


Special Education Services

The Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) of special education students are reviewed at the Transition Meeting and re-written/amended, if appropriate.  Students continue to receive their special education services and accommodations while in Alternative setting.

If a special education student is expelled from Alternative setting, special guidelines based on federal law are enacted.


Computer Use

Computer use is for school-assigned purposes only.  Any student “surfing” will be disciplined as a computer violation.


Other Campus Activities

Due to the expulsion from the Jasper County Middle School or Jasper County High School, a student enrolled at Jasper County’s Alternative setting is not allowed on any Jasper County Charter Campus during non-school hours. This rule includes all sporting events and other school activities including away games that any Jasper County Charter System Team/club may be involved in.  If the student is seen on campus by any employee of the Jasper County Charter School System, he/she can be subject to additional consequences.



Breakfast and lunch will be provided to all JCCS Alternative Setting students.



An unopened bottle of water is the only food/beverage that will be allowed through check-in.  Any other food, drink will be confiscated and immediately discarded.


Review Process/Satisfactory Completion (Goals)

No student will be allowed to leave the Alternative setting program to return to the home school before his/her assigned time is up.  However, a student will have to remain in the alternative setting longer than his/her assigned term before enrolling back in his/her home school if expectations for academic achievement, behavior, and attendance are not reached.  Exit goals for each of these areas will be set with the student following the Transition Meeting and will be agreed upon by all parties, including the student and parents.  The decision for leaving Alternative setting after the assigned term in order to re-enroll in the home school will be based on data from the exit goals and will be made by the director of the program.


Expulsion from JCCS Alternative Program

Attending JCCS Alternate Setting is a “second chance” for students; however, students must meet the rules and expectations in order to remain in this setting for the specified term.   If a student is expelled from the JCCS Alternate setting, he/she may be immediately dismissed without the need for a formal disciplinary tribunal hearing.  The expulsion will last as long as the original specified term at the JCCS Alternate Setting.  In order to re-enter the base school after an expulsion, the student must successfully complete a semester in intervention (mental health counseling/behavioral health program, etc.) or an alternative program approved by the superintendent such as an online school.  Home-school instruction will only count as an alternative program if the student is legally registered with the Georgia Department of Education as a home-school st

Parental Involvement

Students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the community share responsibility for advancing the mission of JCCS.  Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers and staff members to discuss their student's academic progress and behavior. Weekly progress reports are provided for all students at the request of the student’s parent or guardian.


Special Education Services

The Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) of special education students are reviewed at the Transition Meeting and re-written/amended, if appropriate.  Students continue to receive their special education services and accommodations while in Alternative setting.

If a special education student is expelled from Alternative setting, special guidelines based on federal law are enacted.


Computer Use

Computer use is for school-assigned purposes only.  Any student “surfing” will be disciplined as a computer violation.


Other Campus Activities

Due to the expulsion from the Jasper County Middle School or Jasper County High School, a student enrolled at Jasper County’s Alternative setting is not allowed on any Jasper County Charter Campus during non-school hours. This rule includes all sporting events and other school activities including away games that any Jasper County Charter System Team/club may be involved in.  If the student is seen on campus by any employee of the Jasper County Charter School System, he/she can be subject to additional consequences.



Breakfast and lunch will be provided to all JCCS Alternative Setting students.



An unopened bottle of water is the only food/beverage that will be allowed through check-in.  Any other food, drink will be confiscated and immediately discarded.


Review Process/Satisfactory Completion (Goals)

No student will be allowed to leave the Alternative setting program to return to the home school before his/her assigned time is up.  However, a student will have to remain in the alternative setting longer than his/her assigned term before enrolling back in his/her home school if expectations for academic achievement, behavior, and attendance are not reached.  Exit goals for each of these areas will be set with the student following the Transition Meeting and will be agreed upon by all parties, including the student and parents.  The decision for leaving Alternative setting after the assigned term in order to re-enroll in the home school will be based on data from the exit goals and will be made by the director of the program.


Expulsion from JCCS Alternative Program

Attending JCCS Alternate Setting is a “second chance” for students; however, students must meet the rules and expectations in order to remain in this setting for the specified term.   If a student is expelled from the JCCS Alternate setting, he/she may be immediately dismissed without the need for a formal disciplinary tribunal hearing.  The expulsion will last as long as the original specified term at the JCCS Alternate Setting.  In order to re-enter the base school after an expulsion, the student must successfully complete a semester in intervention (mental health counseling/behavioral health program, etc.) or an alternative program approved by the superintendent such as an online school.  Home-school instruction will only count as an alternative program if the student is legally registered with the Georgia Department of Education as a home-school student.