Multi-Tiered System of Support
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is like a large umbrella, and under it is Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) working together for students. MTSS is not a path to Special Education, on the contrary it is designed to improve student learning and thus, keep students in the regular education classroom. The MTSS framework is designed to help schools systematically use data and problem solving to allocate educational resources to improve learning for all students. In order for MTSS to work, we all must be focused on providing a rigorous curriculum, encouraging parental involvement, and promoting collaboration and teamwork.
What is the goal of MTSS?
- Improve student achievement
- Act proactively rather than reactively
- Make data-based decisions
- Provide early interventions to struggling students
- Implement effective communication for all stakeholders
- Provide support to teachers through resources and training
- Reduce special education referrals
What are the academic goals?
- Increase the number of students that meet or exceed state standards
- Increase graduation rate
- Eliminate achievement gaps
- Eliminate retention and failures
What are behavioral goals?
- Increase academic engagement
- Increase social and behavioral competence
- Decrease the number of discipline referrals
- Decrease the number of suspensions/expulsions
What You Need To Know:
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires the use of evidence-based interventions and suggests that schools and districts implement a tiered system of supports.
House Bill 740 requires local school systems to use multi-tiered system of supports and reviews prior to expelling or assigning a student in preschool through third grade to out-of-school suspension for more than five consecutive or cumulative days during a school year.
Misty Garvin, Ed.S.
Director of Accountability & Professional Learning
(706) 468-6350 ext. 134