Student Services
The Student Support Services Department receives referrals for students who have excessive absences/tardies; health related issues; student and/or family concerns; behavioral or emotional issues; and academic difficulties. Reducing student absences is a goal for the Jasper County Charter System. While the number of students who had five (5) or more unexcused absences decreased in FY 2019, the number of students who had ten (10) or more absences (excused and/or unexcused) has increased. The district’s Attendance Review Board, comprised of school and local community agency personnel, meets regularly to address excessive absenteeism.
The Student Support Services Department also serves as the liaison with court services, law enforcement, DFCS, Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), Local Interagency Planning Team (LIPT), Child Abuse Protocol Committee, Child Fatality Review Committee, and other community agencies. The Student Support Services Department also coordinates the following services for students:
Student Enrollment
Hospital/Homebound Instruction
Student Health Services
School Counseling Services
Leader in Me
Title III - ESOL Program (Services for English Language Learners)
School Safety
Student Data Reporting
Title IX, Part A McKinney Vento Act for Homeless Students (District Liason: Camilla Moss)
Title I, Part C Services for Migrant Students (District Liaison: Camilla Moss)
In 2015, Jasper County Charter System received a three year federal grant that enabled us to increase our capacity to address mental health issues at the school level by expanding counseling and social work staff. Our Board of Education demonstrated its continued commitment to supporting students by allocating local funds to cover the cost of our district-wide school social work position. Additionally, the use of federal and local funding is used to provide continued school-based mental health services for students. Our staff work with existing community agencies (e.g. Transformation Therapy Services, Oconee Mental Health, Jasper County Mentor Program, Jasper County Family Connection, etc.) to provide support services for OUR children and their families. This increase in school support staff and the expansion of community based services has improved our students’ and families’ access to much needed care and allowed teachers a greater opportunity to focus on education and career readiness.
Camilla Moss, Ed.S.
Director of Federal Programs and Student Services
(706) 468-6350 ext. 114
Ashley McElheney, Ed. S Director Instructional Support Services (762)-330-2006